Ted Talks: The Green Revolution 2.0 For the Semiarid World – Moshe Alamaro – TED MIT Salon

ReSlope Global is now accepting Donations

We are seeking to develop two 5-acre pilots in Kenya and Italy. Please consider making a donation to ReSlope Global today. Thank you. Please contact us below to discuss these initial plans: Moshe Alamaro ReSlope Global Send an Email 617-244-7995 Renato Morbidelli University of Perugiu, Italy renato.morbidelli@unipg.it +39 0755853620
Earthmoving Equipment and Planning for North-South Slopes

The primary earthwork tasks that are expected to be performed are earthmoving, ploughing, grading to the desired slopes. Given that these projects will mostly occur in relatively non-undulating terrain, it is expected that there will be little need for moving earth across grid sections. Thus the primary equipment needs will be for ploughing the soil […]
The Green Revolution For The Semiarid World – Feeding the World

ReSlope Global (RSG) was founded by Moshe Alamaro, an MIT atmospheric scientist and aero/mechanical engineer. ReSlope Global seeks to transform semiarid terrain worldwide into arable, cultivable land. Our goal is to alleviate hunger and poverty by increasing food production worldwide. ReSlope Global addresses the looming world food crisis due to climate change and political instabilities such as […]